Sweet As Sin Page 3
He turned back around. “Sorry, but those are my conditions.”
“I can’t believe you’re forcing me to stay here like I’m some troubled teenager! I’m an adult, you know.”
“And I’m your father,” Matthew shot back. “And I still worry about you. After you didn’t tell us about your accident, there’s no way I’m letting you out of my sight until I know you’re okay.”
“I told you, I’m fine,” he gritted.
“Then prove it.”
Hutch stared at his father. Why the hell wouldn’t he drop this? Things would be so much easier if he’d just left him alone. But Matthew stared right back at him. Hutch could feel the tension between them rising, but neither one of them said anything more.
His father wasn’t giving him very many options. There was already no privacy around this house. If he was going to stay in Moonrise Beach, he’d want his own place. If he agreed to his father’s terms and worked at Gleam, that would mean he’d only be spending eight hours with him instead of every minute of his freaking life. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad after all.
“I’ll think about it,” he said as he took a sip of his coffee. He wasn’t stupid. He knew that he’d have to get on with his life. He’d already spent enough time “moping around” as his father had called it. So maybe it was time to try and return to the land of the living and stop acting like he was dead already.
Matthew nodded and smiled. “Good. It’s about time you start living your life again.”
* * *
Hutch felt much better after he took some pills to help ease his headache. By the time he was pulling up in his best friend’s driveway, he could actually smile without it physically paining him.
“What the hell?” he muttered as he caught sight of Sam in her front yard. “What the hell is she doing?” Cutting off the engine, he quickly rounded his car and pulled out his cell phone.
Click click.
He’d managed to snap two photos of her before Sam whirled around. “What the hell are you doing?” she snapped.
“I think I should be the one asking you that question.” He peered over her shoulder and grinned. “Are you planting flowers?”
“So what if I am?” Her chin jutted out in defiance.
Hutch grinned wider and he glanced back down at his phone. “I’m putting this shit on Facebook.”
“No! Don’t!”
But it was already too late. Now all their friends would be seeing tough girl Sam Cosi planting petunias in her garden. After pocketing his phone again, he asked, “Want to tell me why you’re planting petunias?”
“They’re not petunias, you idiot. They’re peonies.”
“Whatever.” His knowledge of flowers was restricted only to petunias and roses. “Still doesn’t answer why you’re doing it.”
Sam sighed. “I’m doing it for my neighbors.”
“Your neighbors?” That didn’t make any sense.
“Yeah. I’m trying to make my place look a little more like everyone else’s.” Hutch craned his head down the street and realized that the other houses did indeed have full bushes of colorful flowers.
He shook his head. “I still don’t see why it’s necessary.”
Sam sighed. “Unlike some people I know, I’m trying to fit in and make friends.” Make friends? Since when did Sam Cosi care about making friends? “Stop looking at me like that and help me dig a hole for this tree,” she snapped.
Hutch laughed. “All right, all right, I’ll help you,” he said before she could take a crack at him again. “But if you think for one moment that you’re actually capable of making friends, you’re delusional.”
Sam punched him. Hard. But she had a smile in place for him as he took the shovel from her. “Right here?” he asked right before he started digging.
“Yup. Let me bring over the tree.” Sam gripped the base and let out a grunt, carrying it over to him. If it was any other woman, Hutch would’ve offered a hand but he knew Sam was more than capable of doing it herself. Plus, since it was still a sapling, he knew it wasn’t that heavy.
His best friend was six feet tall and had an athletic build. In addition to that, Sam also had a few tattoos that often intimidated a lot of other women, especially the housewife variety. That was why he thought it was hilarious that she’d chose to live here where all her female neighbors were housewives. If she wanted to fit in more, Sam should’ve lived closer to a biker club.
But Sam’s dreams had apparently changed after she’d tried to get into the Army. In the beginning, she’d been the whole reason why he’d joined the Army in the first place. It’d been her dream initially and after she kept talking about it so much, it began to interest him as well.
However, things hadn’t gone down the way they’d planned. They’d both known that the standards were high and that there was no leniency made for women, but it was still a hard pill to swallow when he learned that Sam wouldn’t be by his side.
Her departure had nearly killed him, and while he hated not having her by his side, he knew she would hate him more if he threw away the opportunity because of her.
Now that they were both out, however, it seemed like he was the only one suffering. After he’d been discharged, he’d come to stay with her instead of going home to his family. Somehow he knew seeing Sam would be easier than explaining what had happened to his family. Plus, he’d been such an emotional wreck that the last thing he wanted was to get into another argument with his father.
Sam was the same. Her own family hadn’t approved of her decision to join the Army. They’d actually been ecstatic that she hadn’t made it in and that had only caused more hurt for Sam. Because of that, she lived alone instead of living closer to her family.
So whenever Sam was having one of her rough times, Hutch always made sure that he was available for her to cry on. She’d been a pillar of support for him every time he felt down that he considered her as one of the most important people in his life.
Sam was the only one who understood his fucked-up desire to return to war and that was why he valued her friendship above all others. They simply understood each other on a level that no one else did.
Hutch stepped back from the hole he’d dug. “Okay, how does that look?”
Sam peered down the hole. “I guess that will work. My neighbor, Amara, was actually the one that gave me this tree. We’ve been talking about gardening a lot lately.”
“Gardening? I never knew you were interested in that kind of stuff.”
“Yeah, I’ve gotten really into it recently.”
“Well, it’s nice that you’ve got a new hobby.” Maybe it was time he found something he enjoyed as much.
“I’m going to pop this in there.” As Sam worked on loosening the tree from its pot, Hutch went inside to grab something to drink. It was hot today and all that shoveling had made him thirsty. As he grabbed a beer from the fridge, a picture stuck on its door caught his attention. It was an old one of him and Sam together, long before they had enlisted and he’d lost his leg. He looked so lanky next to her, and Hutch frowned at how much he had changed.
It was depressing to think that he’d never be able to turn back time and go back to that point in his life where he’d been happy. Things were just too fucked up now and he honestly had no idea how he was going to find some semblance of happiness as a civilian.
But he didn’t really have much of a choice. His options were taken away from him once the explosion had occurred, and now, he’d have to find something of his own to get him through.
Hutch meant to turn around to go back outside when pain sliced up his leg. Damn, he hated when that happened, but it couldn’t be helped. No matter how much time passed since the accident, his pain would always be with him.
Teeth gritted, Hutch set his beer down and found the nearest chair. After planting his ass on it, he bent over to check his leg.
His father’s words came back to him.
You can c
ome work at Gleam with me.
God, was he really going to consider his father’s offer? At first he’d just said the words to get his father off his back, but now after seeing Sam, he felt like he needed to find something of his own that he was passionate about. If she was able to get over her grief of not making it into the Army, then he should too.
He knew he had limited options. A combination of PTSD and a dark desire to get back in the field made him unstable. Finding any old job might be difficult for him. For years, he’d considered himself a soldier. He’d need a little more time to get used to life here as a civilian.
Sam walked into the kitchen. “You’re done already?” he asked. That was quick.
Sam snorted and grabbed a beer from the fridge. “No way, are you kidding me? It’s too hot to be outside right now.” As he laughed, Sam chuckled along with him. But then her expression sobered as she saw him rubbing his leg. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Just feeling a little bit uncomfortable.”
Sam nodded in understanding but didn’t fuss over him. He was thankful for that. The last thing he needed was her nagging him also. Hutch sighed loudly. “My dad wants me to work for him.” As soon as he said it, Sam choked on her beer, sending spittle everywhere. “Hey!” he cried, moving out of range.
“Sorry,” she said as laughter consumed her. “But that’s crazy talk!”
“I know.” Sam was already well aware of how badly he and his family got along. He wasn’t even sure why his father had suggested it in the first place. Did he really want him bothering him at work?
“So why does he want you to work for him?” Sam asked.
“He says it’ll give me something to do.”
“Ah. He still thinks you’re just bumming around and feeling sorry for yourself, huh?”
“Yeah. I mean, I only lost half of my leg, right?”
Sam smirked and settled down beside him. “Hey, you never know. It might actually be a good idea. I’m serious!” she said when he narrowed his eyes at her. “A job is a good thing! It takes your mind off things and gives you a sense of purpose.”
“Were you this enthusiastic when you started your PI business?” he asked.
“No. Definitely not. But now that I have my own business, I can say that it is worth it.”
“But it wasn’t what you really wanted.” How could she be okay with that?
“No,” she admitted. “It wasn’t my first choice. I still wish I was good enough for the Army but being your own boss isn’t bad either.”
Hutch shook his head. “Except I won’t be the boss. My dad is.”
“Oh, stop it. How hard is it to wear a suit all day?”
“I don’t know. I don’t wear suits.” They were hot and stuffy and not his style at all. “But he said if I worked for him, I could move out.”
“Hutch, you can move out anytime. Your father is just worried about you, that’s all. He wants to keep an eye on you.”
“That’s what everyone’s been telling me.” But he couldn’t help but feel caged in.
“So, are you going to do it?” Sam finally asked.
“We’ll see.” He wasn’t sold on the idea yet, but like Sam said, it might actually be a good idea. Who knows, it might actually be the first step in trying to acclimate here. “Come on.” He rose to his feet and polished off the rest of his beer, shelving the conversation for the moment. “Let’s go finish planting that fucking tree.”
Maison had already been at the office working for nearly forty minutes. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for her to be in early before everyone else. Sometimes, she just liked being able to enjoy her mornings and hang around the office before her colleagues started pouring in. It gave her the chance to set up her week in her planner. Ever since Dacey’s boyfriend, Greyson, had given her one for her birthday, she’d been decorating it weekly with stickers and other cute stuff. Not only did it work in keeping herself and Matthew organized, but it also allowed her to be a little more creative in her daily life. She was just filling out her week with a pen when her phone rang. She answered it immediately. “Maison Lane speaking . . .”
Matthew’s smooth voice carried over the line. “Maison.”
“Oh, Mr. Hewitt. I didn’t know you were already in.” What was happening that required Matthew to be in so early? She checked her planner again. She hadn’t marked anything important down.
“Do you mind stepping into the office for a moment, please?” Matthew asked.
“Sure.” Brows pinched together, Maison tried to not look confused as she knocked on the door and let herself in. She really hoped that she hadn’t forgotten something important today.
As per usual, her boss sat behind his desk, wearing a crisp, white shirt. It looked impeccable, all pressed and pristine compared to her own blouse she wore now. Matthew’s light hair was combed back away from his face, bringing attention to his angular facial features and high cheekbones. In the last few years, his hair had turned gray at the temples, but instead of looking old or haggard, the gray only added to Matthew Hewitt’s distinguished looks.
Matthew smiled at her. “Have a seat, Maison.”
Her confusion was swiftly replaced by shock. “Oh,” she breathed. “I didn’t realize you were here too.”
On the other side of the desk, Matthew gave a little chuckle.
Hutch rose to his full height and shot her a grin. As if trained by his actions, the butterflies in her stomach took flight as she remembered the events of the other night. “G-good morning.”
“Good morning.” Hutch was dressed up in a pair of navy slacks and a light-blue shirt that complemented his tanned arms nicely. The sleeves were rolled up, giving him that effortless, casual feel that was still very much work appropriate. That silky voice, whispered low, sent a shiver through her body and goose bumps sprouted along her arms, just like it had the night he’d pulled her into his arms and ran his hands over her.
What the hell was he doing here? And why was he smiling at her like that?
“Um.” She glanced back at Matthew.
“Please sit down,” Matthew instructed. As they both sat, Maison tried hard not to flush. The events of the other night were still fresh in her mind. Was that why Hutch was here?
“What’s going on?” she finally asked.
“Hutch is going to be working with us.”
Maison couldn’t contain her shock. “What?” She blushed fiercely as she realized she’d said it out loud. But how could that be? Hutch didn’t even have any interest in working at Gleam before! Why now?
She glanced at Hutch, shooting him an apologetic smile when she realized that he was staring at her. “I mean, that’s great.”
But it wasn’t great. If Hutch was going to be working here, she’d never get anything done! She’d be walking around nervously, acting like a scared little rabbit, especially now that she was taking extra precautions to avoid him after the other day.
“He’s going to need a little bit of your guidance as he gets acquainted with how we do things here,” Matthew said. “Since this is his first office job, I’d really appreciate it if you can take him under your wing. Maybe he can even help us with our latest work.”
Maison nodded slowly. “Ookayyy.” Inside, however, she was reeling. Dammit, why didn’t Matthew tell her about this beforehand?
Matthew addressed his son. “You’re going to work under Maison as her assistant.”
“What?” Maison exploded.
“I am?” Hutch arched a dark brow and then cut a glance at her. He looked just as surprised as she was. “Are you sure you want to do that?” Hutch asked his father.
“Yes. Of course. Maison is my most competent employee. She’ll know how to handle you.” Matthew turned to her. “Isn’t that right, Maison?”
The blow had still to wear off but Maison did her best to recover. “Uh. Yes, sir.”
Hutch shrugged. “I just figured that when I agreed to this that you’d start low and give
me a filing job.”
“No, of course not. You’re my son. People would talk.”
Hutch looked conflicted but then he nodded. “Okay then. As long as Maison is fine with it, then I’ll do it.” He glanced at her and Maison felt herself flare with heat. Oh God! What was she going to do?
Maison forced herself to swallow back her anxiety and nod. “Sure. I’ll get him settled.”
“Good. Thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some other work to do.”
Maison didn’t wait for Hutch as she made a beeline for the doors. The office suddenly felt too small and she was having a difficult time with breathing.
As soon as she was out, she breathed in deep but the huge gulps of air weren’t working in calming her down. She still couldn’t believe that Hutch was going to be working at Gleam! As her assistant! What the hell was she going to do?
Why had Hutch agreed to work here anyway? He didn’t seem like a suit and tie kind of guy. Was this because of what had happened the other night? Was he trying to torture her some more?
He seemed to enjoy seeing her squirm for him. Maybe he got a kick out of seeing her redden with embarrassment and see her stutter over her words whenever she spoke to him.
But if Hutch wanted to work here, he would have to actually work. She wasn’t about to jeopardize her own job just to babysit him.
A second later, he was by her side and she stiffened. “So,” he drawled, a wolfish smile playing across his lips. “What do you want me to do first, boss?”
Maison had given him a quick tour of the building, dumping him with a pile of paperwork before returning to her own desk. When she’d asked him to start inputting the numbers in a spreadsheet for her, he’d gotten straight to work. And for the first hour or so, he was doing well. But now his focus was slipping and he was getting bored. Was this all they did here? Although he wasn’t expecting a party when he arrived, he thought that Maison would at least give him some more guidance on his first day. However, it seemed that she wanted to stay away from him as much as possible. Was it because she was upset with him because of the other night? Maybe he should apologize to her.